Hascall Employee Feature Gil Jimenez

Meet Hascall’s featured employee Gil Jimenez.

How long have you been an employee?

  • 11 years

What is your role in the organization?

  • I’m Hascall’s Lead Bander.

What do Hascall Steel’s Core Values mean to you?

  1. Teamwork
    • To help everyone. That doesn’t matter where or what.

  2. Responsiveness
    • It’s very important to help others when someone needs it. We use this every day at Hascall.

  3. Dignity & Respect
    • Treating everyone the way I would expect to be treated.

  4. Culture (Community and Expertise)
    • Management truly cares at Hascall so things run smoothly internally.

What do you like to do when you aren’t at work?

  • Work out, go to church, and visit with friends.

What is your favorite part of working here?

  • The people, the work, and using the machines here.