From simple houses to grand skyscrapers, steel will always be a preferred material in construction projects. A versatile material, steel gives designers the freedom to develop flexible designs without compromising structural integrity.

If you are planning your next building project, steel will most likely be part of the needed materials. Its reputation as one of the best construction materials should not convince you to settle for just any steel product, however.

The right steel type makes a big difference in your structural projects. You need high-quality, durable steel solutions from reputable suppliers. Everything matters — stability, coating, and accessories.

Durability and Strength

In terms of durability, the power of steel is unquestionable. It is rust-proof, fire-resistant, and capable of withstanding harsh weather conditions. Apart from these qualities, steel also has the highest strength-to-weight ratio. This means smaller weights of steel are stronger than higher weights of other construction materials.

Despite its impressive characteristics, not all steel was made equal. Properly finished steel can outlast other materials, but if it fails to support the weight of the structure, it compromises the quality of your project. You’ll need a steel panel with accurate spacing, rib height, and gauge (thickness) measurements to ensure it’s tough enough for the job.

Start your search by checking steel gauges and remember a simple rule: the lower the gauge, the stronger the steel. Most building projects use steel with a gauge of 26 or lower.

Steel Coating

Coating quality is also crucial to steel durability. Without the proper coating, steel materials corrode due to moisture in the air and other environmental factors. Look for steel with a high-quality protective coating, therefore. Durable coatings help steel resist damage without regular reapplication in the long run.


Fasteners are crucial for closing a container or keeping two parts of a flexible construct together. So, make sure to opt for ones made from quality materials like steel. Do not settle for cadmium and zinc plated fasteners. These types will require frequent replacement. Inferior fasteners are susceptible to rust and oxidation, which allows moisture to enter the panel and compromise insulation.

Buy from Trusted Manufacturers

Some manufacturers sell low-priced items that capture the interest of project managers and designers. Do not fall for the false promise of “good value;” these manufacturers are most likely cutting corners to lower fabrication costs. Opting to use questionable construction materials will leave you with a building that easily deteriorates over time.

Instead, work with a reputable manufacturer that provides reliable steel solutions. Look for those who have been in the business for years; they can serve as your guide when selecting the right steel for your projects. It is also important to partner with manufacturers that follow good business practices, as well as respect steel standards and regulations.

At Hascall Steel Company, we know trust isn’t easy to earn. We earn your trust once we prove to be reliable even in the most difficult circumstances. As a trusted steel service provider, count on us to offer metal fabrication services that meet almost any application. We’ll help you find the right materials for the project.

Get in touch with us today to learn more.